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A trip shirt design for the Boomer Babes' trip to Disneyland.
A quick sketch of our cat Scampi sleeping on my lap. April, 2004 Items with this picture are available
for sale at my cafepress.com store.
Logo for sugarcats.com
Boomer Babes 2007 Trip Shirt Design
A Voice-Over Demo CD cover designed for a friend.
Click on our 2005 holiday card to visit the website and see it larger.
Our 2003 Holiday Card
Click on our 2004 holiday card to see the website and a larger image of the card.
Our 2003 Holiday Card
Our 2003 holiday card (above) shows a whimsical view our entire family. Click the picture to see it bigger. click here to see it with closeups of each character and our newsletter. Items with the cats from this picture are available
for sale at my cafepress.com store.
Smith Family Reunion Logo

As President of our family association, the newsletter logo I drew turned into more. Now family members can
get t-shirts, mugs and other things to commemorate the annual reunion.